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Tisdale Aviation association

COPA Flight 93



About Flight 93


The Tisdale Aviation Association/ COPA Flight #93 is active at Tisdale Airport, CJY3. Association members make available 100LL Avgas and oil. There is no callout charge for after hours fuel.

Tisdale Aviation Association/ COPA Flight #93 sponsors two major events each year. They fly the COPA for Kids Aviation Program and they provide a Sunday morning Fly-in, Drive-in Hungry Person’s Breakfast in conjunction with Motor Madness Weekend.

Tisdale Aviation Association/ COPA Flight #93 has regular meetings on the third Monday of each month September to June. Everyone with an interest in aviation is welcome. The President is David Lamb (306-873-2718) and the web master is Charles McKenzie (306-863-2999).

Information about the airport

The Tisdale Airport Terminal Building has a lounge, telephone, washroom and wireless internet. The phone number is 306-873-4300.

For information about the town of Tisdale phone 306-873-2681), or Town of Tisdale.

The Airport has a paved runway 14/32 with ARCAL lighting activated by keying the mic 5 times on the Air Traffic Frequency 122.8. Navaid at Tisdale is NDB 295, Ident.[ E 2 ]. Rwy 32 is on a bearing of 329 at 2.3NM from the NDB. There is no winter maintenance of grass runways, 08/26, and 17/35.

NOTAM: There is extensive bird activity next to the waste disposal site adjacent on the south end of threshold runway 32.